23 November, 2005

CFP: 2 Human Interface and 1 encyclopedia

* The IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2006 (March 25 and 26, Alexandria, Virginia USA, DL: November 30, 2005)
*ACM SIGCHI ACE 2006 (Hollywood U.S.A., 14th-16th, June 2006, DL: 15th Feb. 2006)
*Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organizations

SIGCHI ACE is ineresting conference (I had participated at 2005). However IEEE-3DUI is also very interesting. They will be held with IEEEVR2006.
But, why the deadline is same (30th Nov)?

So, one submission has been accepted by IEEEVR2006 from my laboratory.
Congratulation, Lionel.

aki o_ob

22 November, 2005

Call for Teachers: Gifu Univ. Japan. VR Research assistant (Ph.D)

Call for Teachers: Gifu Univ. Japan. VR Research assistant (Ph.D)
Deadline has extended.
I think this is good post. Because Gifu Univ, VR Lab is great laboratory and investiment is not bad, I guess.
"30 years or less" + "Doctor" is little difficult?

---Japanese below---

1.募集人員 助手 1名
2.所  属 人間情報システム工学科知能制御システム工学講座
3.専門分野 ロボティクス,バーチャルリアリティ,制御工学の分野
4.着任時期 平成18年4月1日
6.応募締切 平成18年1月10日(金)必着(注意:1月20日(金)より変更)

8.選考方法  書類で事前選考し,最終的には面接により選考します.

  〒501-1193 岐阜市柳戸1番1 
  岐阜大学工学部人間情報システム工学科 学科長 谷 和男
  Tel : 058-293-2783, E-mail: tani(at)info.gifu-u.ac.jp

  〒501-1193 岐阜市柳戸1番1 
  岐阜大学工学部人間情報システム工学科 川崎晴久
  Tel & Fax: 058-293-2546, E-mail: h_kawasa(at)cc.gifu-u.ac.jp
If you cannot read Japanese, this post is very difficult, I think. :-(

aki o_ob

Triple call for papers

-WIAMIS06 (April 19th-21st, 2006, Hyatt Regency Incheon, KOREA, DL:Nov 30,
Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS 06)
April 19-21, 2006 Hyatt Regency Incheon, KOREA

-Workshop CHI'06 (22,23th April 2006, Montreal, Canada, Deadline: 19 Dec
"Information Visualization and Interaction Techniques for Collaboration
across Multiple Displays" CALL FOR WORKSHOP PAPERS CHI2006 International

-Edutainment 2006 Conference on E-learning and Games (Deadline extended to
NOV 30)
Web site: http://www.cad.zju.edu.cn/vrmm/edutainment/ Submission

Details are archived here.

So, why such as same topic conferences make same deadlines...
I have interests for all.. probably CHI Canada is best for me.
However, if I submit my research result now, who will pay for me...?
Of course, it's a sort of brake of research but sometime it makes troubles...
(My grant patron will be change at Jan.)

aki o_ob

21 November, 2005

CFT: The Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

Call For Teachers
The Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e) has the following vacancy PhD position on QUASID: Quantitative Spatial Interaction Design (V51.015)
at the User-Centered Engineering group, Department of Industrial Design.
The TU/e department of Industrial Design applies a unique, innovative
education model of competence-based learning, in which a professional
design environment is simulated. Apart from the central focus on design,
various areas of technology are an integral part of the curriculum.
These areas are: mechanical engineering, electrical engineering,
computer science, technology management and user-centred engineering.
Man as user is the starting point for any design activities. Our
Bachelor programme started in September 2001. Industrial Design is
building a research programme focused on the relationship between users
on the one hand and future intelligent products, systems and services on
the other. The main fields of research are 'Designed Intelligence' and
'User Centred Engineering'. In short, TU/e Industrial Design department
distinguishes itself through its unique education model, ambitious
research goals and an excellent working environment and atmosphere.
The research in the User-Centered Engineering group focuses on advanced
interaction concepts and user-centered design methodology. It takes a
constructive approach ("research through design"). The aim is to develop
interfaces that support natural interaction, both in the context of
single-user single-system interaction and multi-user multi-system
interaction and their cross-combinations. Main research questions are
what constitutes natural interaction and how it can be realized. Topics
that are addressed are multimodal interaction, perceptive interfaces and
aware environments. The research focuses both on developing new
interaction concepts and implementing them in prototypes, as well as the
connected design and evaluation methodology.
The project: QUASID: Quantitative Spatial Interaction Design - Tasks
and Metrics for Spatial Interaction
Although the experimental validation of spatial interaction techniques
is gaining interest internationally, many virtual reality researchers
still consider it an 'art' rather than a 'science'. In the design cycle
of spatial interaction techniques, which contains phases of concept
formulation, implementation and evaluation, the evaluation part is most
often addressed in a qualitative way, rather than being based on firm
quantitative evidence. In those cases where evaluation of spatial
interaction techniques is performed, the experimental set-up is usually
derived from ad-hoc assumptions about the relevance of the task, the
environment and other conditions that have an effect on the outcome.
This Ph.D. project is part of a multi-disciplinary project, called
QUASID, that consists of three related Ph.D. (sub)projects. The overall
project has two main objectives. First, to develop a more quantitative
approach to the design of spatial interaction techniques. Second, to
apply and test this quantitative approach in the design of new spatial
interaction techniques for mixed-reality desktop environments. The
proposed project therefore combines research at three complementary
1. at the methodological level, by developing classifications and
metrics that can be used in the
evaluation of spatial interaction techniques for desktop mixed-reality
environments (main focus of this Ph.D. project),
2. at the device level, by developing robust and effective methods for
creating tangible interfaces, and by evaluating the effect of the
physical shape of interaction devices on interaction efficiency and
3. at the system level, by studying the usability of tangible interfaces
that are based on both (fully) manual and semi-automated spatial
The latter two sub-projects have already been filled in.
The QUASID project is multi-disciplinary, in the sense that both a
technology-oriented (computer science) and a user-oriented (human
factors) perspective are represented. More specifically, the goals of
this Ph.D. (sub)project are threefold:
1. To develop a taxonomy (i.e., a formal categorization) for spatial
interaction techniques in desktop mixed-reality environments. The
taxonomy will structure generic tasks, such as selection and
positioning, as well as more composite and specific tasks, such as
pursuit tracking and tracing.
2. To develop metrics, in addition to Fitts' law (i.e., time and
accuracy), that can be used as dependent variables to quantify
interaction. The specific goal is to explore new perceptual and
cognitive criteria for evaluating interaction, based on an existing
expertise in quantifying aspects such as coordination and subjective
3. To develop a test-bed based on the taxonomy and the developed
metrics. The test-bed will be used to collect and document experimental
data, including all independent variables, such as relevant system,
user, and environment aspects, and dependent variables, such as
efficiency, effectiveness and appreciation parameters. Experiments on a
number of diverse systems will be conducted in order to verify the
validity and reliability of the test-bed methods.
The Ph.D. student will conduct his/her research project within the
J.F.Schouten School for User-System Interaction Research (see
http://fp.tm.tue.nl/jfschouten for more information). This project is
sponsored by NWO (Dutch National Science Foundation). The Ph.D. student
will be required to closely co-operate with the other two Ph.D. students
within the QUASID project.
The candidate should have a MSc degree in one of the following areas:
human-system interaction, computer science, electrical engineering or
industrial design. He/she should be interested in both virtual/augmented
reality and experimental research, and able to co-operate in a
multidisciplinary team.
Appointment and Salary
We offer a position for a period of 4 years. PhD students will receive a
monthly salary of 1.813,00 euro in their first year, which will rise to
2.394 euro (gross) in the final (fourth) year. Eindhoven University of
Technology has an excellent package of attractive benefits for
employees, a child-care facility, and a modern sports complex.
More information can be obtained from:
- about the position (including an extended project description):
Prof.dr.ir. Jean-Bernard Martens, phone +31 (0)40 247 5208; e-mail:
j.b.o.s.martens at tue.nl;
- further information: Ms. Julma Braat, personnel assistant, phone +31
(0)40 247 5883, e-mail: j.a.c.l.braat at tue.nl
Please send a written application, including a letter explaining your
specific interest in the project and extensive curriculum vitae, to the
following address, mentioning the vacancy code V51.015:
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Department of Industrial Design
Attn. Ms. J. Braat, room HG 3.92
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
E-mail: j.a.c.l.braat(a)tue.nl
Job applications can be submitted until December 23, 2005, but will be
processed on a first-come-first-serve basis (i.e., the first suitable
candidate will be selected).

Tomoe Shinohara revival in Paris

The time difference between Japan and France is 8 hours in official. However "the time difference of pop culture" is about 6-8 years in my experience, I guess.

I can say "trop tard"(too late) in bad language, bat we can see the future in France opposite. Additionally, someone who are alredy tired in Japan may get popularity in France. Then loser is Japanese who are alredy developed but not rewarded from the other's point of view.

For example, in France, I saw a TV program "DOMINO DAY" at the last weekend. But this type of TV events are almost tired in Japan at 1999 or before. Of course I can find a lot of "french decoration" in the TV program. However, in fact, my works are such as "redevelopment and exporting for computer entertainment" then I can enjoy to see when such as "burned pop culture" be revival in France.

Today, I found same example in pop music, "Tomoe Shinohara".
She is a famous pop and techno music singer, artist and designer about 1996-1999. But she got a great chance in Paris last week.

"Parisien has tranced with Tomoe SHINOHARA in JPOP Festa."
"Tomoe SHINOHARA will participate to Paris music festibal, break in France"

Too large story, they are! She just sing once time? But I think "Ultra-Relax" is her best song in her golden age, and her strange Japanese language is sounds good for French "otaku" Japanese speakers (she speaks crasy funny Japanese with hiragana and katakana). Of course, it is not a traditional Japanese, I can say.
Especially, such as funny news relax me because recently Japanese journal say "France = Violence". And "fête de music a Paris" is great chance for her. Please sing in French, svp!

So, I haven't know, her latest song, "Aso-Fever" has used to the latest ending theme song of "Gashbell(Zatchbell)", I think if Zatchbell also will be fever if the TV program statrted. But... it is little difficult to get social assumption because of they describe themselves as "battle action anime"...

I found some interesting websites about this topic below.

Multilingual funsite of Tomoe SHINOHARA
with this whitemen dance performance.
In such as online store,
Here also.

This is an official page of Tomoe SHINOHARA.

So, can I call her to fete de music Laval for 2007, because she is also curator of Digital Studium(NHK)...

aki o_ob

Maywadenki "Ko-in-ten"

Maywadenki(Meiwa-denki) is a world famous media artist unit that has concept of Japanese electronic small company + acoustic instrument + media arts.
Their ko-in (factory worker, operative, artisan and artist in fact) will be held their exhibition in Yokohama.

Maywadenki "Ko-in-ten"
Nov. 8th - 20th, 2005. 11:30~19:30
Yokohama Garou Garou

Official Homepage of Maywadenki (no articles about this exhibition at Nov 21st)

20 November, 2005

modulobe, real time artificial life project

I had found interesting project, "modulobe" by Prof. Koichiro Eto, when I seek current real time physics simulator states.

Our Springhead also support such as artificial life but looks cool.

They have website, wiki and community on mixi.
And they are exhibiting at NTT ICC museum until 25th December.
(and ICC will be shut soon!)
When register your character file to their wiki, you can see them on ICC!

aki o_ob

18 November, 2005

Dancing 50 hours on a wall with new Walkman

"Dancing 50 hours on a wall with new Walkman"
FujiSankei Business i. 2005/11/18

Sony released a new music player "Walkman A" at 19th November, then they start a promotion performance that installs dancers on a wall of Shibuya Station and they dance during 50 hours.

This promotion focuses to the stamina of new "Walkman A" that can play during 50 hours or more. Total 50 dancers are prepared and each dancer changes every 30 minutes.

If the producer could find other specification on the new walkman, he will not do such as stupid advertise. Because, I cannot see the new walkman on the picture!!
So, I hope no dancers will dies or catch a cold in this event...too cold, isn't it?

aki o_ob

17 November, 2005

About me

Recently, my colleague has start to use SNSs then I have to prepare some "description" by myself. I leave my part of introduction...

Computer entertainment industries are enlarging day by day. However, most commercial activities focus to graphics and sales in current market. When I had worked for Criterion, RenderWare, an official rendering engine on PlayStation2 platform, most game projects need beautiful computer graphics but they understand; graphics is not a goal, just a part of computer entertainment. Then I have decided to back to academia and got Ph.D diploma by "Future computer entertainment systems". It uses virtual reality techniques like haptics with full body interaction system. Actually, most current entertainment technologies, especially development of game contents by Japanese are build on experimental knowledge. In short, there are no actual researches to clear "Why we can enjoy with computer systems?”

Now, I'm working in Laval, a famous VR research city in west France. It has "Laval Virtual", annual VR festival and a great project of VR theme park that will be opened at 2007. My task is research, development and promotion for these projects, of course, I teach for master and doctor courses specialized for virtual reality development and research in Laval.

You can find me in linked in.
So, some of SNSs are designed as "business communication website" but, in Japan, the most famous SNS is designed as "communication for healing".
If you have interest about this, I'll write about this...

aki o_ob

Revolution limites generations?

Revolution limites generations? (Famitsu.Com, JP)
16 Nov. Nintendo of America released Play "Control System" for next hardware.
(NOA, English)
By using a password-controlled setting, adults can decide what flexibility they'll allow younger players to have in playing video games rated E (Everyone), E10+ (Everyone 10 and Older), T (Teen) or M (Mature). The system also ensures that dedicated adult gamers can opt to play without limitations.
This function sounds good for parents. Actually not only for children but also moe* product developpers.
Currently, such as moe products are sold only for DS, PC and PS2, Nintendo control them with unclearl-stated rules. In the past platform, PCFX has been loved such as moe uses but if the generation control system works well, Revolution can enlarge their market to some different attribution.
*moe; Passion of otaku. Especially useful for "prettiness of small girl". Originally, the chinese character "萌" calls "tomoe" in Japanese, tomoe is common girls name and means "plants growing in spring".
aki o_ob

Future Entertainment Laboratory

This blog is edited by Dr.Akihiko Shirai, Japanese who works in France.
I focus to the "Future Entertainment".
Especially, computer entertainment, video game, virtual reality and innovative toys.

Most entry will be just a translation of Japanese news that has aims to get international responces. Then if you have comment, please give me lot in English (or French/Japanese/Traditional Chinese, etc...). Note: I'll delete SPAM messages without any notice.

If you are Japanese, please visit my Japanese blog too.

aki o_ob