22 November, 2006

Video game project "AceSpeeder2" released

, a new video game project that is working by Takahiro Nakatani (Raingraph Studio, Japan), Akihiko SHIRAI (Invited Resercher of P&ILab Laval France) and Erik Geslin (ESCIN, Laval France) is released.

This project is working for 3 years or more. P&I Lab and ESCIN are working with the director Mr.Nakatani to help artworks and experience evaluation with some scientifique methods on Laval Virtual 2006, ACM SandBox and IVRC2006, etc...

Today, the beta version of AceSpeeder2 is started to releas by free. After some evaluation, it will be released on the net.

11 October, 2006

la fête de la science « Réalité Virtuelle »

Nous présenterons deux animations interactives :
1. Découvrez une méthode innovante de conception de nouveaux véhicules grâce à la maquette numérique. A vous de concevoir la voiture du futur !
2. Testez notre « nouvelle interface invisible » pour les jeux vidéos avant Noël ! « AceSpeeder 2 » est un nouveau jeu de course anti-gravité. Vous pouvez jouer à ce jeu soit avec une manette classique, soit avec votre corps.
GPUVision, la technologie qui détecte la position du joueur, est développée à Laval.

Village de sciences
devant le CCSTI,
musée des sciences
samdi 14 octobre: 10h00-18h00
dimanche 15 octobre: 14h-18h00

Laboratoire P&I ENSAM / Master RV / ESCIN
CNAM / Pays de la Loire

18 September, 2006

IVRC 2006 Tokyo Stage finished

Congratulations, JAIST teams!
"Magical SPLASH" from JAIST Miyata lab got a 1st position from 11 projects.
In fact, 4 teams had passed for final nominats as below.
But 2 JAIST teams passed! Incredible!!

1st Magical SPLASH (JAIST)
2nd Vu Vu View (ECU)
3rd COGAME (U-Tokyo)
4th Goolgle (JAIST)

Official site (not updated yet)
Projects for Tokyo stage
Mobile Phone Photo Report (auto translated)

Congratulations again,
And see you at Gifu!
France team also preparing well to get a win!
aki o_ob

12 August, 2006

[SIGGRAPH2006] Maa's DELL XPS / SIGGRAPH everywhere

Maa is my new French friend who had met at AF332 which is going to SIGGRAPH 2006 Boston.
We had shown a lot of things in the plane each other.
Especially, I had been excited about his DELL XPS. It has a hologram mono eye and color and frequency of LEDs can be controlled by his 3D real time graphics program...

So, this is a first trial to submit my original Video Blog to YouTube...
I will try to submit same one on Ameblo, a famous Japanease blog service.
It will be here.
I expect the responses will be different about this.

aki o_ob

reboot me/ SIGGRAPH / weeky Famitsu

I'm sorry for my long absent...

I had back from SIGGRAPH2006 Boston.
Then I will write something about it.

Especially, I had written an article for Weekly Famitsu, a most famous weekly game magazine in Japan.
I have a small column that named as "Look for the future games!".

This article will be sold at 25th August 2006 on the store (Issue:8thSep).

20 February, 2006

"savoir plus science" our lab on the TV

Regardez "savoir plus science" le 4 février à 13h50 sur France2!
Notre laboratoire a participé!
Watch a scientific TV program "savoir plus science" at 4 February, 13:50 on France2!
Our laboratory has participated!

「savoir plus science」
2/4(土) France2 13h50-



18 February, 2006

Nintendo will start movable theme park project

Nintendo will start movable theme park project of "PocketMonsters" all over the world. (Nikkei)
Nintendo will start a theme park project using PocketMonsters in limited term.
They will start in Taiwan at next June, and continue it in different country at each year until 2010.
This is the first time such as oversea project using Japanese original character.
They have plans to show movies and sell game tie-up contents to make synergy.
The movable theme park will name as "PokePark" and start in Taipei for 3 months.
Charactor coaster, wheel, 5-10 children attractions and mini theaters and interactive games will be installed.
Area will be 40,000 sqm. 1,000,000 visitors will be expected.
They also have plans to show Pockemon movies on the TV and sell their card games.
And they have plans to exhibit in USA , Europe and China-Shanghai.
Recently, they developped new theme park of Karuta, traditonal japanese card games using game technologies in Kyoto.
aki o_ob

31 January, 2006

A funny "function" of PSP

FDS:Flying Disk System. It's a "specification" of the PSP first version. You can shoot UMD when you play a game.

It also my reason why I haven't get PSP...
Today I found a funny movie about this issue.

"PSP vs NDS"
The golf game said "Nice Shot!" but... :-)

You can see other movies, whew... I also found PSP playable...

"Organized site of PSP troubles"

Do you know the current PSP have this "function"? :-)

aki o_ob

HRP-2 helps human daily life with autonomous function.

My associate Mr. Moriyama wrote an issue.

"HRP-2 helps human daily life with autonomous function"
You can get some video from the site.

It's a pair of distributed autonomous robotic system for daily life supports.

On the press demonstration, they has composed 3D map with laser range finders.
(but it haven't written in this article.)

*If someone need detailed translation, please contact me.

Nam June Paik passed a way.

He is a father of media arts and video arts.
Great history he is! 40 years or more.

I wrote a short condolence here in Japanese.

And I introduce you his official website.
It was updated about funeral information.

aki o_ob