28 May, 2007

[IVRC] Proposal of "IVRC2007" / BoF on SIGGRAPH2007

Proposal of "IVRC2007"


”The 15th International collegiate Virtual Reality Contest”

Tokyo Preliminary Stage 29-30th September 2007 for the public
Final Stage 2-3th November 2007 for the public

Tokyo Preliminary Stage: Miraikan 1st floor (Tokyo)
Final Stage: Techno Plaza, (Kakamigahara city, Gifu prefecture)

IVRC Executive Committee, organized with Virtual Reality Society of Japan, Gifu prefecture and Kakamigahara city.

5.Patronages and supports
Partornage by « Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry » and « Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology » (applications in progress). Funding support are welcoming at any time.

(Past support partners at IVRC2006)
FromSoftware, Accenture, NTT Communications, Ogaki Kyoritsu Ginko, Cadcenter, Crescent, Jyuroku Ginko, Kawasaki Heavy Industories, ViewPlus, VR Techno center, Gifu Shinyou Kinko and Santoku Shouji (hororifics are not added).

Numbers of the public entree: over 500 persons at Tokyo stage, over 1000 persons at Gifu.
Jury committee is separately organized with well-informed persons from industrial, academic and arts.
French students and teachers of « VERDUN 1916: The Time Machine » (ESIEA Ouest / ESCIN) who had been selected at Laval Virtual 2007 will participate.

Tokyo Preliminary Stage : 29-30th September 2007 (Miraikan in Tokyo)
Joint event: « Interactive Tokyo 2007 » , EC2007 (Entertainment Computing Conf.)
Program Candidates
Gifu Final Stage : 2-3th November 2007 (Techno Plaza in Kakamigahara Gifu)
Program Candidates
2th November : Jurying, open for guests, awarding / 3th Open for the public

[BoF on SIGGRAPH2007]
If your friend will participate to SIGGRAPH 2007 San Diego, please tell it.
Birds of a feather (BoF) is a meeting who has interest about one topic.


*Monday, 6 August
* International Virtual Reality Contest (IVRC)
San Diego Convention Center
Room 29C
11:30 am - 12:30 pm

-------------Google Groups in your language-------

Akihiko Shirai, Ph.D
Invited Researcher
Presence & Innovation Laboratory ENSAM France

27 May, 2007

[CFP] Learning with Games / 24th – 26th September 2007 Sophia Antipolis, France / Extend Abstract May 31st 2007

I would like to invite you to submit your contribution.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that selected papers will be published on International Journals.

Kind regards, Marco Taisch

We invite you to participate in the “Learning with Games” Conference,
24th – 26th September 2007 Sophia Antipolis, France

*** Conference website ***

European Commission - DG Information Society and Media
PRIME EU Project

*** Call for Papers ***

“Learning with Games” seeks original, high-quality research papers and demos in all areas related to serious games, pervasive games and business games, including social sciences, methodologies and artwork. Papers should describe results that contribute to advancements to the state-of-the-art of Serious and Business Games.
Parallel sessions are foreseen for the presentation of scientific/technical papers as well as the experience in using games for post graduate and executive education purpose, especially in Business Schools. The global gaming community is invited to exploit the conference to disseminate and share its experience.
A selection of the presented papers will be published on a special issue of the Int. J. of Production Planning & Control and on the Int. J. of Computer Games Technology.
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstracts via the web site; these must be at least 1500-word long and must be submitted in .doc format.

*** Invitation to Exhibit ***

We invite companies, government organizations, and academic institutions to showcase serious games along with all related technologies and services -- hardware, software, integrated systems, innovations, literature or anything else of interest to our conference participants. Posters and research demos will also be located near the exhibits.
During the three days of the Forum space and facilities for poster sessions and exhibitions will be made available to participants.

*** Topics of interest: ***

Topics of interest to “Learning with Games” are, but not restricted to:

· Serious Games
· Pervasive Games
· Business Games
· Game design
· Digital storytelling
· Non player characters
· Artificial intelligence
· Game programming
· Game rendering
· Audio programming
· Visual content creation
· Music composition
· Game production
· Alternate and mixed reality
· Gamer communities

· Simulation
· Executive learning and teaching
· Game physics
· User interfaces
· Online games and networking
· Mobile games and ubiquity
· Agile development
· Case studies
· User studies and evaluation
· Game critical analysis
· Legal, societal and political impact
· Intellectual property rights
· Distribution models
· Learning Evaluation

*** Important Dates ***

Submission of Extended Abstracts for Technical Papers May 31st 2007
Notification of Acceptance June 30th 2007
Submission of Full Papers July 31st 2007
LG 2007 24 September 2007

*** Accommodation and Registration: ***

The registration fee is Early bird Registration Fee 500€
Registration Fee 550€
On site registration 650€

The venue is the: Grand Hotel Mercure Sophia Country Club ****
Located between Nice and Antibes, 15 minutes from Cannes in the Sophia Antipolis park science.
Hotel is built in a 12 hectare landscaped garden and has two swimming pools, twenty tennis courts, golf course, sauna, gym, bar and deluxe brasserie.

*** Conference Organization: ***

Conference Chairs
* Marco Garetti, MIP - Business School of Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Marco Taisch, MIP - Business School of Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Asbjorn Rolstadas, SINTEF, Norway
* Alvaro de Oliveira, AlfaMicro Ltd., Portugal
* Lucia Pannese, imaginary, Italy
Program Committee
* Bjorn Andersen, SINTEF, Norway
* Jacopo Cassina, MIP - Business School of Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Carsten Magerkurth, SAP, Switzerland
* Max Möller, Danish University of Education, Denmark
* Manuel Oliveira, AlfaMicro Ltd., Portugal
Local Organising Committee
* Jacopo Cassina, MIP - Business School of Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Marco Gerosa, MIP - Business School of Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Sergio Terzi, University of Bergamo, Italy
* Marco Taisch, MIP - Business School of Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Chiara Zigliani, Consorzio Politecnico Innovazione, Italy
International Scientific Committee
* Maria Anastasiou, Intracom, Greece
* Slavko Dolinsek, University of Primorska, Slovenia
* Heiko Duin, BIBA, Germany
* Elhanan Gazit, DiGRA ISRAEL Chapter, Holon Institute of Technology, Israel
* Poul Kyvsgaard Hansen, Aalborg University, Denmark
* Dimitris Kiritsis, EPFL, Switzerland
* Paul Lefrere, The Open University, United Kingdom
* Julien Etienne Mascolo, CRF, Italy
* Jari Multisilta, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
* Anton Nijholt, University of Twente, The Netherlands
* Roumen Nikolov, Sofia University, Bulgaria
* Martine Parry, Angils, United Kingdom
* Edmond Prakash, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
* Jens Riis, University of Aalborg, Denmark
* Ute Ritterfeld, University of Southern California, USA
* Petko Rouskov, Sofia University, Bulgaria
* Angela Sasse, University College of London, United Kingdom
* Leonie Schaefer, European Commission - DG IST
* William Seager, University College of London, United Kingdom
* Ritta Smeds, Helsinki University of Technology
* Mattias Svahn, SICS, Sweden
* Ingrid Spjelkavik, SINTEF, Norway
* Klaus D. Thoben, BIBA, Germany
* Josef Withalm, Siemens, Austria

“Learning with Games”
24th – 26th September 2007 Sophia Antipolis, France


Akihiko Shirai, Ph.D
Invited Researcher
Presence & Innovation Laboratory ENSAM France

25 May, 2007

[CFP]SAMD 2007: Spatial Audio for Mobile Devices / Deadline: June 30, 2007

SAMD 2007: Spatial Audio for Mobile Devices

Workshop in conjunction with MobileHCI, September 9 2007, Singapore

Call for Position Papers (2-4 pp)
Deadline: June 30, 2007
Notification: July 20, 2007
Workshop: September 09, 2007

Submit to: samd2007 at mixedrealitylab.org

As the world and its population move towards ubiquity, high tech mobile devices continuously decrease in size, leaving users to interact with small screens. Thus the user would face difficulty in finding ways to interact with such interfaces, and the efficiency may be reduced of his/her PDA or mobile phone. By combining interaction with visual audio, the user interface of the mobile device can be enhanced to provide the user with more comfort and ease for navigation or interaction with the device.

The goal of this workshop is the promotion of spatial sound with mobile devices to enhance user interaction with such devices. It will bring together experts and practitioners from diverse and related fields, exchanging ideas, interests, research studies, exposing participants to different views and perspectives in the field of mobile human interaction with spatial sound.

Topics of interest explored within this one-day workshop will primarily focus on spatial sound and development of small screen interfaces. Topics include, but are not limited to:

• Spatial sound as an interaction element in minimal attention interfaces
• Spatial sound in mobile HCI
• Auditory displays in mobile & ubiquitous user interaction
• Spatial sound for mobile users with visual disabilities
• Sound in social navigation
• Sound in mobile games
• Mobile, ubiquitous and tangible HCI in music performance
• Mobile HCI and music composition
• Spontaneous music, mobility, and audio sharing
• Mobile collaborative and distributed composition
• Mobile digital technology in music education
• Multimodal integration (visual, auditory, and haptic)

Researchers and developers that want to contribute to a vivid discussion leading to spatial audio for mobile devices are invited to submit a maximum 4 pages position paper in the ACM template format ( http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html), on above relevant topic for the workshop, including challenges and solutions for the development of spatial sound on small screen displays devices. Submissions should be e-mailed as a PDF attachment on or before June 30, 2007 to samd2007 at mixedrealitylab.org. Please see http://www.samd.nus.edu.sg/ for further details.

Prof. Michael Cohen, University of Aizu, Japan
Prof. Adrian David Cheok, Mixed Reality Lab, NUS, Singapore
Prof. Ajith P. Madurapperuma, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Prof. Raine Koskimaa, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Dr. Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Mixed Reality Lab, NUS, Singapore
Mr. Kimmo Lehtonen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Akihiko Shirai, Ph.D
Invited Researcher
Presence & Innovation Laboratory ENSAM France

24 May, 2007

[CFP] ICAT2007 (28-30th Novm Denmark) Deadline 1st June

Call for Submission to ICAT 2007

Dear Madam or Sir,

Aalborg University proudly announces the 17th International Conference
on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT 2007) taking place in
Esbjerg, Denmark on November 28-30, 2007.

ICAT is the oldest international conference on Virtual Reality being
hosted outside of Asia/Pacific for the first time. State of the art
innovations in the technology are presented alongside novel ways to
transfer and express information. Artistic and societal works are also
presented via panels, demos and workshops. Researchers are invited to
submit papers on novel theories, methods, applications and practices
related to Artificial-, Augmented-, Mixed-, Virtual- Realities and
Telexistence. Suggested topics can be viewed in the web page.

Furthermore, experts are kindly asked to consider active involvement in
the conference's organization by serving as a member of the
International Program Committee (IPC). Tasks include refereeing papers.
If you are interested, please contact the conference secretary Anja
Hergesell, info at icat2007.org, mentioning your area(s) of expertise.

Important dates:
- Paper deadline: 1 June 2007
- Reviews completed: 1 August 2007
- Camera ready due: 20 August 2007
- Tutorials: 28 November 2007
- Conference: 28-30 November 2007

For more information please visit www.icat2007.org
or contact the conference secretary.
<info at icat2007.org>

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Esbjerg!

Best Regards,

Tony Brooks
General co-Chair, ICAT 2007
Aalborg University Esbjerg

Yasushi Ikei
General co-Chair, ICAT 2007
Tokyo Metropolitan University


http://www.icat2007.org ===

SIGGRAPH Sandbox 2007 Full paper accepted!

Finally, I had get accepted an article by a ACM SIGGRAPH video game symposium as a full paper.

WiiMedia : motion analysis methods and applications using a consumer video game controller

"WiiMedia" is a study to use the WiiRemote, a new consumer video game controller from Nintendo's, for media art, pedagogical application, scientific researche and innovative unprecedented entertainment system. Normally, consumer hardwares like standard like standard controllers of new video game platforms are closed to public developers. But, the Nintendo's WiiRemote can be connected easily thanks to a BlueTooth adapter with an ordinary PC. Thus, public developers can access to the WiiRemote's acceleration an IR sensors via this wireless connection. We think it might enlarge non-professional game development environment with a new innovative game controller. However, when we tried to develop our projects with the WiiRemote, we encountered many difficulties because the only data that can be captured are basic data and not the full player's motion with teh controller. Through the WiiMedia project with the development of a few applications, we compared some motion analysis methods using the WiiRemote. This paper describes case studies that include states of arts and several motion analysis methods.

Video are possible on YouTube :

WiiMedia:Sword Fighting "JaWii's Virtual Fencing"

WiiMedia:Painting"Papier Poupee Painter"ver.Alpha

AceSpeeder2 WiiMedia Edition

See you at San Diego!

Akihiko Shirai, Ph.D
Invited Researcher
Presence & Innovation Laboratory ENSAM France

23 May, 2007

[Event] Meeting of Presence Project IPs & Programming VR applications using the XVR technology, Pisa Italy

“Meeting of Presence Project IPs & Programming VR applications using the XVR technology”

On Wednesday 30 May 2007,

Representatives from all the active EU Projects investigating the various aspects of Presence research will gather in Pisa for a day-long scientific event (PASION, IMMERSENCE, PRESENCCIA, IPCITY, PEACH).

On Thursday 31 May 2007,

PERCRO will held 1 day of tutorials and presentations dedicated to the XVR technology.

“XVR is a free development framework for complex VR application. It was used at PERCRO in the past 9 years for a variety of projects dealing with real-time graphics and interaction, and it is continuously updated to accommodate always-evolving programming needs. Thanks to its ease of use and flexibility XVR is today used by several research institution around the world offering a wide range of useful and practical functionality to control the many aspects linked to VR programming, including real-time graphics, sound, interaction, cluster rendering (CAVE), and support to the most common VR devices (trackers, displays, haptics and interaction devices).”

Both the event are free and open to everyone interested. For schedule, travel information and hotel info please see here:


Akihiko Shirai, Ph.D
Invited Researcher
Presence & Innovation Laboratory ENSAM France

15 May, 2007

How to have a paper get into SIGGRAPH?

さっき、フルペーパー・カメラレディのプレッシャーにおされて「天才科学者になるためには?」なんてエントリーを書いたばっかりですが、偶然、参考文献を 探している最中に、手書き3Dエンジン「Teddy」で有名、SIGGRAPH2006 Significant New Researcher Awardも受賞している東大・五十嵐先生の興味深い文章を発見しました。

How to have a paper get into SIGGRAPH?


How to have a paper get into SIGGRAPH?

by Takeo Igarashi, The University of Tokyo
April 2007

* You must be very competent and dedicated: The smartest researchers around the world are competing each other to get papers into SIGGRAPH. If you think you are not competent or dedicated, forget about SIGGRAPH. It is not a place for you. If you think you are less smart, work even harder to fill the gap.
* 非常に有能かつひたむきでなければならない。SIGGRAPH に論文を通さんと、世界中のもっとも賢い(smartest)研究者たちが鎬を削っている。もし、君が有能でないとか熱心でないなら、SIGGRAPHに ついては忘れろ。そこは君のいる場所じゃない。もし、君が自分がそれほどsmartじゃないなら、その差を埋めるために頑張って働け。

* You must forget about everything else and focus on SIGGRAPH: If you pay attention to your personal life or other jobs (classes, management, daily job, etc.), you must understand that SIGGRAPH is far away. You must give abolute proiroty to SIGGRAPH. Devote all of your time to polish your paper and demo to the limit.
* SIGGRAPHに焦点をあわせる事以外全て忘れろ。もし、君が個人的な生活とか他の仕事(授業とか、管理とか、日常業務とか)に注意を払うなら、君は、 SIGGRAPHは遠ざかってると知るべきだ。SIGGRAPHに絶対的なプライオリティをあたえなければならない。心から全ての時間を、限界まで論文と デモを研くために捧げろ。

* Pick the most promising research topic: It is crutial to find a good research theme. If you find a good goal, your work is mostly done. If a wrong goal is set, you are destined to fail. The best way is to come up with many possiblities, examine them carefully, and pick the best one. You must list 100 possible research ideas first, carefully investigate the possiblity of 30 of them, implement 10 of them and see how it goes, and pick the most successful one in the end. You must understand that 100 good ideas are discarded in the porcess of producing one SIGGRAPH paper.
* もっとも有望な研究トピックを選べ。よいリサーチテーマを見つけるということはclutial(訳注:crucial?=決定的)。もしよいゴールを見つ ければ、君の仕事は終わったようなものだ。もし誤ったゴールがセットされているなら、君は失敗する運命にある。最高の方法は、多くの可能性から、それらを 精査して、最高のものを選択することだ。まずは100のリサーチアイディアをリストしなければならない、その中から30を注意深く、可能性を徹底的に研究 し、そのうち10を実装して、どうやって動いているのか見る、そしてもっとも成功する1つを最後に選ぶんだ。100の良いアイディアは、1回の SIGGRAPH提出porcess(プロセス?)のなかで捨てられるものと理解せよ。

* Show your work to experts and discuss before submission:You will never win if you work alone and do not get any feedback from anybody.Afterall, people (reviewers) decide the fate of your paper andyou must understand what they want and what they dislike.You will never get that critical information if you do not talk to them.You must go to conferences and show your ongoing work to experts.You must visit people, show your work, and have a discussion.
* 投稿する前にエキスパートに君の仕事を見せてディスカッションしろ。もし独りで仕事するなら、君は永遠に勝てない。そして誰からも、いかなるフィードバッ クも得られない。最後には、人々(査読者)は君の論文の最終結果を決定する。君は彼らが何をして欲しいのか、そして何を好まないのかを理解しなければなら ない。もし君が彼らに喋ることをしなければ、君は批判的な情報を得ることは無いだろう。君は学会にいって、君のやりかけの仕事をエキスパートに見せなけれ ばならない。人を尋ね、仕事を見せ、そしてディスカッションを得なければならない。

* Start early and revise your implementation and writing many times.The only way to create a good system and good writing is to repeat and polish.It is OK to start with a crappy one. It will eventually transform intoa good one throught iterative refinement. On the other hand,if you start late, you will never deliver a perfect one in time.

* 早く始めろ、そして君の実装を改定し、たくさんの回数書け。よいシステム、そしてよい書き物を創り出すたったひとつの方法は、繰り返して磨くことだ。質の 悪いもので始めるのはOKだ。それは反復精製を通して、いつかは良いものに変換される。一方では、もし君が遅く始めるなら、時間内に完璧なものは絶対にで きあがらないということだ。

* Do not give up and try multiple times.SIGGRAPH is so competitive that even very good papers fail each year(almost randomly, depending on the reviewers you get).Even if you submit 10 perfect papers to siggraph,only 5 will probably get in.So it is important to submit a couple of (very good)papers to siggraph and continue to do so for multiple years.Single shot is like betting. No one knows whether you win or not.However, if you continuously submit good papers to siggraph,you will eventually win.
* ギブアップするな、多数回試せ。とてもよいペーパーが毎年落ちるということは、SIGGRAPHはそれほど競争的だということだ(ほとんどランダム、君が 掴んだ査読者に依存する)。もしSIGGRAPHに完璧な論文を10回投稿しても、たぶん5篇しか通らない。つながった(とてもよい)論文を SIGGRAPHに投稿し、複数年にわたってそれを続けるという行為は重要である。シングルショットはいわゆる賭けだ。君が勝つかどうかは誰もわからな い。しかしながら、もし君が継続してよい論文をSIGGRAPHに出しつづけるなら、いつかは勝てるだろう。

Sounds too harsh? Maybe.But the result is rewarding.You will present your work in front of hundreds of audience(largest room has over 3000 seats).Proceedings will go to labs and libraries all over the world.Your work will be introduecd and discussed at seminors and classes.Some company might buy your technology and make a product out of it.Chances are high that you will get a nice job offer.Most importantly, you will become a part of the history of computer graphics.

Additional Resouces:"How to get your paper rejected from SIGGRAPH","Good writing"

p.s. I do exaggerate things here. I myself do not do all of these things perfectly.However, if you need some clue,this list might give you some insight.Good luck.



 そういえばSIGGRAPH'98の某レセプション会場(Disney Sports)で、我々発表グループの横でノートPC片手にTeddyのプロトタイプ(らしきもの)を持って誰かにデモをしていたのは後から思えば五十嵐先生でした。

 今の環境は100思いついたら50実装することになっていて、1は確実に売りに出されて、残りの49はどこかにこっそり実装されてるか、ハードディスク の肥しになって忘れられる・・・という環境なので、なかなかハードではあります。最初に90捨てるのが重要かも知れないです、自分にとっては。



Akihiko Shirai, Ph.D
Invited Researcher
Presence & Innovation Laboratory ENSAM France

14 May, 2007

[CFP] Emerging Display Technologies Workshop 2007 / Deadline June 1st, 2007

CfP: Emerging Display Technologies Workshop 2007


Emerging Display Technologies Images and Beyond: The Future of Displays and Interaction


San Diego, California, USA, Saturday August 4th, 2007, co-located with SIGGRAPH 2007

The recent flurry of display technology development has produced
families of technologies that make fixed and projected pixels cheaper,
faster, more flexible, and of higher quality. These advances enable
'smart pixels' and enable a number of burgeoning applications ranging
from displays being used for better and more flexible images, to user
interaction, scene sensing, and environment enhancement. Some example
topics of interest include:

* multiview, multifocal, or high dynamic range displays;
* omnistereo projection systems;
* ad hoc or "poor man's" projection systems;
* ultra wide field of view HMD optics;
* ultra fast displays;
* head-worn or hand-held (mobile) paradigms;
* hybrid display systems and applications;
* displays with integrated interaction components;
* adaptive projector display systems;
* extended color gamut or color matching displays;
* projector-based user/device tracking, interaction, or
Mixed Reality reconstruction;
* embedded pixels for Spatially-Augmented Reality; and
* rendering techniques associated with the above.

This one-day workshop should provide an opportunity to expand attendee
thinking about ways to use contemporary display devices in new systems
and applications.


Friday, June 1st, 2007


Technical Presentations

We encourage the submission of short or long papers for corresponding
technical presentations. The papers should describe recently completed work, work in progress, or publicly presentable ideas for unimplemented and/or unusual systems or applications. Accepted submissions will be published on a conference CD and will be archived in the ACM Digital Library.

Submissions can be a two-page (short presentation) or four-page (long
presentation) and need to be prepared electronically (PDF) in camera-ready form (i.e. with full author names and affiliations, no page numbers, etc.) following the SIGGRAPH Publication Guidelines for Conferences sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH.

Submission deadline is Friday, June 1st. Please submit your paper by email to submit at@edt2007.org.

To allow includesion in the ACM Digital Library we will need a signed copy of the ACM Copyright form faxed to +1-337-735-1346 and in the mail to

Dirk Reiners
537 Cajundome Boulevard
Lafayette, LA 70506

by the submission deadline. Papers whose form has not been received by the acceptance date will have to be rejected. :(

Please include pictures and/or video with your submission if possible. Videos should be in a common format, e.g., MPEG-1, MPEG-4, XviD, or DivX. Size permitting we will include the videos on the conference CD, please make sure to indicate in the submission email whether that is acceptable for your materials.

Submissions from commercial vendors are very welcome, as long as they are focused on technological aspects of the presented displays and avoid being a sales pitch.

We will ask authors to commit to either personally attend the workshop to present the work, or to arrange for a suitable replacement presenter.


Hands-on demonstrations during the workshop are also encouraged. To be
considered for a hands-on demonstration send a separate one-page description of the demonstration (according to the abovementioned guidelines), including information on space, equipment, and power requirements. List equipment that you will bring yourself separately from equipment to be provided by the organizers.


June 8th, 2007


Carolina Cruz-Neira
Louisiana Immersive Technologies Enterprise

Dirk Reiners
University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Akihiko Shirai, Ph.D
Invited Researcher
Presence & Innovation Laboratory ENSAM France

[CFP] CyberGames 2007


yberGames 2007

International Conference on
Games Research and Development

The Third International Conference on Games Research and Development 2007 (CyberGames 2007) will be held during 10-11 September 2007 at the Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom.

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: To explore the latest developments in the game and interactive entertainment industry.

Papers are invited in the following games research and development topics (but not limited to them) from both industry and academia:

HCI for Games
Simulation Games
Pervasive Entertainment
Games AI
Game Level Design
Game Software
Agents for Games
Game Animation
Game Physics
Simulation Games
Interactive Digital Media
Game Audio
Online and Multiplayer Games
Games on Grid Computing
Mobile and Handheld Gaming
Game Mechanics
Game Culture: Boomer vs Gamer
Game Hardware
Game Platforms
Graphics for Games

Journal Publication:

The best 4 papers from Cybergames 2007 will be published in the online journal "ACM Computers in Entertainment”.
The top 50% of the papers from Cybergames 2007 will be invited to submit a revised paper for publication in the new International Journal of Computer Games Technology published by Hindawi Publishing Corporation.

Special Sessions / Tutorials
Session/Tutorial Chairs
Location Based Learning Game
Eric Klopfer,
Microsoft XNA Studio Express
David Britch,

Interactive Stories and Personality-rich Game Characters

Ali Arya,

Carleton University, Canada
Game Design and Development Using JOGL (Java+OpenGL)

Andrew Davison,

Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
Creating Novel Mobile Entertainment Systems

Paul Coulton,

Lancaster University, UK
Dynamics and Interaction in Game Audio

Dylan Menzies,

De Montfort University, UK
Pygame (python game development) –
influencing software engineering and rapid prototyping of games

TL Kunii,

Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
Commercial Game Engines in Producing Immersive Environments

Colin Price

University of Worcester, UK
Game AI: Soft-Computing Models for Game Design

Narendra Chaudhari

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

CyberGames Arena: A Student Game Development Competition
Darren Dancey

Important Dates:

  • Full Papers
    MONDAY, May 14th, 2007
  • Special Sessions and Tutorials
    MONDAY, April 30th, 2007
  • Conference Dates: September 10-11, 2007

Akihiko Shirai, Ph.D
Invited Researcher
Presence & Innovation Laboratory ENSAM France

[CFP]IFIP 6th International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC) / Deadline 15 July (poster and demos)

IFIP 6th International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC)

September 15-17, 2007
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, P. R. China

Shanghai Jiao Tong University
The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP TC14)
Microsoft Research Asia
National Science Foundation of China

Important Dates
Full Paper Submission Due: 20 April 2007 (GMT)
Short Paper, Demos Submission Due: 20 April 2007(GMT)
Notification of Acceptance: 31 May 2007(GMT)
Posters & Demos Submission Due: 15 July 2007(GMT)
Early bird Registration Deadline: 1 August 2007(GMT)
Conference: 15-17 September 2007

Call for Papers
We invite you to submit your work to the prestigious 6th International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC 2007). Entertainment is taking a very important role in our life by refreshing our mind and activating our creativity. With the development of graphics hardware and software, interactive tools, media technologies, new types of entertainment have emerged, such as network games, video-based games and mobile games. Shanghai is the most important economic and financial center in the mainland of China; it is also a tourist city, which has attracted travelers from domestic region and abroad by its commercial activity as well as its scenic beauty.
Submit your paper
via http://digitalmedia.sjtu.edu.cn/ICEC2007/papersubmit.htm
or as attachment via 2007.icec at gmail.com

Conference Topics:
Papers presenting original research and applications are being sought in all areas of entertainment.
Suggested topics include (but are not limited to):
Aesthetics, Ontology and Social Reflection
Art, Design and Novel Media
Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality
Computer Animation
Computer Games and Game Based Interfaces
Digital Storytelling and Interactive Television
Education, Training, and Edutainment Technologies
Entertainment and Healthcare
Image/Video Processing Techniques for Entertainment
Interactive Computer Graphics
Interactive Design for Entertainment
Mobile Entertainment via e.g. Mobile Phones, PDAs etc
Modeling Techniques for Games
Narrative Environments and Intelligent Medias
New Genres, New Standards
Novel and Evolutionary Platforms / Hardware Devices
Pervasive Entertainment and Game-Playing
Robots and Cyber Pets
Self Reflecting Entertainment
Simulation Applications of Games, and Military Training
Social and Human Factors of Entertainment
Sound, Music, Creative Environments

General Conference Chair:
Ryohei Nakatsu (Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan)
Harry Shum (Microsoft Research Asia)
Matthias Rauterberg (TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands)

Program Chair:
Rynson W. H. Lau (Durham University, UK)
Zhigeng Pan (Zhejiang University, China)
Lizhuang Ma (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)

Organizing Chair:
Lizhuang Ma (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
Contact: IFIP ICEC [2007.icec (at) gmail.com]

The proceedings of ICEC 2007 will be published by Springer within their
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.

Akihiko Shirai, Ph.D
Invited Researcher
Presence & Innovation Laboratory ENSAM France

[CFP]ISMAR 2007 Call for Papers/Posters/Workshops, Deadline June 1st

*** ISMAR 2007 Call for Papers/Posters/Workshops
*** 6th IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
*** Tue, Nov. 13 to Fri, Nov. 16, 2007
*** Nara-Ken New Public Hall at Nara, Japan
*** http://www.ismar07.org/

== Friday, June 1, 9pm US Pacific Time Zone. ==


Mixed Reality (MR) and Augmented Reality (AR) allow the creation of
fascinating new types of user interfaces, and are beginning to show
significant impact on industry and society. The field is highly
interdisciplinary, bringing together signal processing, computer vision,
computer graphics, user interfaces, human factors, wearable computing,
mobile computing, computer networks, displays, sensors, to name just some
of the most important influences. MR/AR concepts are applicable to a wide
range of applications.

Since 1998, ISMAR and its forerunner events have been the premier forums in
this vital field (http://www.augmented-reality.org/iwar/). This year we are proud to
present the 6th IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented
Reality (ISMAR 2007). The symposium will be held on Nov. 13-16, 2007, in
historical Nara, Japan. We invite you all to participate in this great
event for the exchange of new ideas in this exciting field!


ISMAR07 invites submissions in the general field of Mixed and Augmented
Reality. Topics include, but are not limited to:

MR/AR applications
* personal MR/AR information systems
* industrial and military MR/AR applications
* medical MR/AR applications
* MR/AR for entertainment
* MR/AR for architecture
* MR/AR for art, cultural heritage, or education and training

* position and orientation tracking technology
* calibration methods
* sensor fusion
* vision-based registration and tracking
* acquisition of 3D scene descriptions

System architecture
* wearable and mobile computing
* distributed and collaborative MR/AR
* display hardware
* performance issues (real-time approaches)

User interaction
* interaction techniques for MR/AR
* collaborative MR/AR
* multimodal input and output

Information presentation
* real-time rendering
* photorealistic rendering
* object overlay and spatial layout techniques
* aural, haptic and olfactory augmentation
* mediated and diminished reality
* display and view management

Human factors
* usability studies and experiments
* acceptance of MR/AR technology
* social implications

Submission deadline: June 1, 9pm PST
Acceptance notification: August 17
Camera ready due: September 14
Conference dates: November 13-16


The ISMAR 2007 Organizing Committee is recruiting student volunteers for
various supporting roles during the conference. Detailed information can be
found at the conference website:

Interested students should send an application to the student volunteer
chair via email:

Tomohiro Kuroda

Application opening: July 1, 2007
Application deadline: Aug 31, 2007
Acceptance notification: Sep 14, 2007


General Chairs
Haruo Takemura, Osaka University, Japan, takemura[at]cmc.osaka-u.ac.jp

Program Chairs
Tom Drummond, University of Cambridge, UK, twd20[at]eng.cam.ac.uk
Hirokazu Kato, Osaka University, Japan, kato[at]sys.es.osaka-u.ac.jp
Mark A. Livingston, Naval Research Laboratory, USA, markl[at]ait.nrl.navy.mil

Area Chairs
Ron Azuma, HRL Laboratories, USA
Oliver Bimber, Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany
Steve Feiner, Columbia University, USA
Hong Hua, University of Arizona, USA
Yoshinari Kameda, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Osaka University, Japan
Gudrun Klinker, TU Munich, Germany
Vincent Lepetit, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland
David Mizell, Cray Inc., USA
Hideo Saito, Keio University, Japan
Dieter Schmalstieg, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Bruce Thomas, University of South Australia, Australia

ISMAR steering committee
Ron Azuma, HRL Laboratories, USA
Reinhold Behringer, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
Mark Billinghurst, HITLabNZ, New Zealand
Steve Feiner, Columbia University, USA
Gudrun Klinker, TU Munich, Germany
David Mizell, Cray Research, USA
Stefan Mueller, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Nassir Navab, TU Munich, Germany
Ulrich Neumann, University of Southern California, USA
Jannick Rolland, University of Central Florida, USA
Dieter Schmalstieg, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Didier Stricker, Fraunhofer IGD, Germany
Haruo Takemura, Osaka University, Japan
Hideyuki Tamura, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Naokazu Yokoya, Nara Institute of Science & Technology, Japan

*** SPONSORS ***

Conference sponsors:
IEEE, ACM and VRSJ (Virtual Reality Society of Japan)

In cooperation with (tentative):
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
Human Interface Society
The Robotics Society of Japan

If you have any further questions about submissions, contact

* Tom Drummond
* Hirokazu Kato
* Mark A. Livingston
ISMAR 2007 Program Co-Chairs

複合現実感国際会議ISMAR 07の発表論文募集のご案内

複合現実感分野で最も権威のある国際会議 ISMAR が,

ISMAR は,当学会複合現実感研究委員会が主催したISMRと,欧米のISARが

ISMAR 03 が東京で開催されて以来,4年振りに日本に帰ってくる ISMAR に,

 主催 当学会複合現実感研究委員会 / IEEE
 会場 奈良県新公会堂
 会期 11月13日(火)〜11月16日(金)
 論文投稿締切 6月1日(金)
 ホームページ http://www.ismar07.org/

Akihiko Shirai, Ph.D
Invited Researcher
Presence & Innovation Laboratory ENSAM France

10 May, 2007

Restarting my engine in English


Now I'm having a lot of English tasks. Also I had rest lot in my home then my French language systems (in my head) is almost sleeping. Anyway I'm keeping use my poor English on my blog.

So I had hunting down myself in this week.
Because my engine is still stalling.

Why? I've some reasons that I haven't wrote here.

-Hay fever in France (Rhume d'allergie) is hard for me...this year is harder than before. 1 box of tissue per a week. It's a normal sense in Japan but it's abnormal here.

-Future (in Laval)
...Yes, I have to decide soon. I already discussed with Simon (it needs 4 month when I had suggested to him). The discussion is excited but there were no special interests for me. Most of tasks are just some classic technology usage. If I prefer to work like that, I should work in Japan. Because the sense is near for me, technology is higher, price may be same or less. But price is not a primary problem for me. Exceptionally establishment of a fund of VR student may be interest for me. But it should be a task in LMT, not me.

-Future (other)
I had updated my CV (thanks Gill for your help).
It was 11 pages! Yes. Probably it's not a CV. It includes my CV, projects and publication in these 10 years.
Anyway, I sent it for 2 posts. Everything starts from sending our CV... I hope it starts my engine again.

-Ubuntu Linux 07.04
Good! When I tried it as updating, it haven't work well. I guess some drivers like Wifi(atheros) or ATI is conflict with new functions. So, the new Wifi manager on Ubuntu works very well.

-Fete de Jeux
Le 25-26 mai, I will show something at Musee Vieux Chateaux.

-Laval Virtual affairs
When I do something about LV, my computer always crashes. Why??

-WiiMedia full paper camera ready for Sandbox
It is my current main task...
Yes I had accepted. But writing quality is too bad. Miracle bad. I must rewrite it as better version. Ouch, my abstract on the website also... Its deadline is next Tuesday. I have to hurry up me.

-IVRC Google Groups
Please see http://ivrc.net/BoF
I had created 2 google groups for French students and international mailing lists.

It's time to back to write... see you.

Akihiko Shirai, Ph.D
Invited Researcher
Presence & Innovation Laboratory ENSAM France